Perceiving the Divine Truth

“Could you prove conclusively to a blind man that there is a golden disc of fire moving slowly across the sky?”

Would two people who both possessed perfect eyesight disagree about the existence of the Sun? It would be a foolish disagreement, because they only need to look up at the sky and they would observe its presence there.

However, imagine a person who had been born totally blind and had never seen the Sun. They would have to be persuaded to believe that there is indeed a ball of golden light moving across the sky transmitting light and warmth. They could also choose not to believe it, and perhaps argue about the ridiculousness of such an idea.

And this is the problem with talking about God. Many people do experience God as a reality, a fact that they could not possibly argue with because they have encountered God. Yet many people have not encountered God, and many ridicule the idea of God’s existence. Many people ask for proof if they are to believe in such a theory.

Could you prove conclusively to a blind man that there is a golden disc of fire moving slowly across the sky?

Of course, you could present all the logic and common sense that would help him understand the great likelihood of this being true, but it would be impossible to prove, unless that man suddenly regained his sight and saw the Sun for himself.

Yes, he might feel the warmth on his skin, but is this conclusive proof? Similarly, we feel the warmth of love in our heart, and we might ask “where does this warmth originate from?” We can speculate and discuss theories, but until we perceive the source directly ourselves, we cannot be certain of anything.

Yet the spiritual path of awakening is essentially the process of regaining our sight, so that we may perceive the spiritual truth for ourselves, without it needing to be proved to us by another person, without us needing any persuasion to believe in it.

If we cannot perceive the reality of our spiritual parent (which in essence could be described as an all-pervading, conscious, loving intelligence (which many call God), then we are blind to the spiritual Truth. I mean this in the most literal of senses. This truth does not need to believed, it needs to be seen, so that belief is no longer necessary.

Do we believe the Sun exists, or do we know the Sun exists? Most of us can see it, and we can feel its warmth, and we can see its effect in the natural world in which we live. It is an observable fact. And so is God’s existence, but we do not see God with our eyes. We become aware of God as we open our heart, and we step away from conceptual thinking. We do not need to take anyone’s word for it, we just need to undergo this opening up process, like a flower opens to the Sun.

Most arguments occur between people who see things from different perspectives, so the obvious way to overcome the argument is for both parties to look at the situation from the other persons perspective, to see if they can see what the other person can see. They may not see, of course. But they may, and it might change their life. So for a rational-thinking person to disagree with someone who is not using the rational part of their being to perceive something which is beyond conceptual and rational understanding, there is a need for a change in how and where they are looking at things from.

We cannot smell a rose with our ears, or hear bird song with our eyes, and we cannot perceive God with our rational mind. We have to move away from rational thinking, and perceive things without the limiting filter of pre-conceived beliefs and thoughts. In partnership with this, we need to relax our heart so that we can perceive its perspective on reality, which is totally different to that of the mind.

The heart communicates in a totally different language, and it is a language that the mind cannot understand, because the heart’s profound depth cannot be conveyed through thought and through words. It has to be experienced. Thus we must leave the predictable and known realm of thought, and venture into the spacious and vibrant depths of our heart, for it is here that we encounter a deeper truth, a higher truth; the Spiritual Truth.

“Develop the strength of your heart”

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“We are but children, innocently longing to find our way back
to the world of joy, freedom and happiness we once knew..”

“Develop the strength of your heart”

Read my new book: “HOW TO LIVE IN LOVE”
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“We are but children, innocently longing to find our way back
to the world of joy, freedom and happiness we once knew..”

About Alexander Bell

Lover of God, man of Christ, father-of-four, writer, composer of healing music & expert on nutritional healing. •
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1 Response to Perceiving the Divine Truth

  1. Denise says:

    I really liked this xx

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