You urgently need the brightest light

Dear friends, I write this with some urgency. For a few years I have taken the opportunity in the evenings – after my children have fallen asleep – to meditate outside, to spend time with and come closer to what I experience as ‘God’; the greater intelligent awareness which we are all part of, which I have known for many years to be more than just a belief system, but an experiential reality.

God is certainly a reality – a loving, expansive and deeply vital reality – that we can all experience easily if we step out of our limited thinking, out of fear, judgement, mental division and essentially, all conceptual thoughts. But nothing takes us further away from God’s peace and security than fear. Fear, as I have written about so many times in the past, is like a poison that gives us the worst delusions in our mind, and contaminates our heart.

Releasing and moving away from fear is the most vital and urgent process we should engage with, while simultaneously bringing our mind back to God. And there is no other day in which to begin this. We really need to seize the day, and realise that there is an urgency. The urgency exists because fear and darkness is swelling and growing at a fast pace, due to the information being poured through the mainstream media every day. You may have noticed it, or you may have not. Very dark and disturbing messages, in music, pop videos, TV programs, Hollywood films.

I have been observing the media carefully for many years, and things have changed this year. There has been a concerted effort to pour as much darkness as possible into the minds of as many people as possible, via the above-mentioned media avenues. I am not expecting or asking for you to believe me. But I wouldn’t share this with you if it were just speculation, or some theory. I have been witnessing a concerted effort, being very strategically and thoroughly employed throughout the media machine, to spread fear, violence, division and a very disturbing degree of darkness.

And I know very clearly what the intended outcome is, as with careful observation and investigation into the highly predominant themes in the media’s messages, a very obvious picture begins to form, and unfortunately it is not pretty. If you would like me to elaborate on this, I recommend that you contact me personally and I will share more information with you.

So, given the gravity of the situation (which you will have to trust me is very serious indeed), I will share with you the message with which I was awoken tonight, after possibly the most frightful dream I have ever had (and I don’t mean this message to be negative, worrying or upsetting; I have just been compelled to share the urgency of the situation).

You may have heard or read about the “end times” in the book of Revelation, in the Bible. I always avoided it, because I never, ever wanted to believe that there was a possibility it could occur as it is written. But I am compelled to tell you that we are certainly in those times now, and there is an enormous deception occurring, with the intention to lead as many people astray into the darkness (fear) as possible. And because this deception is harnessing the all-pervading reach of the media into people’s minds, most people don’t even realise that it is occurring. I hope these words are not falling on deaf ears, because I write solely with the intention to jolt you awake, and see that we are approaching a precipice.

7 years ago, God led me on a bit of a challenging journey; the culmination of which was encountering Christ and accepting him into my heart. This was never a big deal or a challenging decision for me, as I have always had an affinity with Jesus. But it was an essential step, that I was led to take with great significance and poignancy. It was clear that it was vital that I accept Christ. I am not a big bible reader, but I write to you to tell you that what is written in the book of Revelation is not fantasy fiction. We are now amidst the most challenging time that humanity has ever known, and if we are going to get through it, we need to know Christ.

As I said, I am not a big Bible reader. I get my knowledge from my spiritual experiences and the information that is shown to me when I meditate, become silent, commune with God, pay attention to my dreams, stay alert and keep my eyes wide open.

There is no longer time for me to skirt around the most vital issue, which is that to get through what is going to occur in our civilisation, we need to know Christ. We need to trust that Christ can save us from the darkness and fear that is spreading exponentially. Because without Christ, our logical mind will see no way out. Without Christ, fear will surely overcome our heart, such is the scale and intensity of the fearful and dark agenda.

You may have already noticed the direction things are going in, especially in the media, but if you haven’t I ask that you trust I am speaking from a spiritually aware perspective. I have not been convinced by the Bible or by any Christian group. I have been watching the media very, very carefully for some years, and it’s agenda has now crystallised. As I said, it is very disturbing and you can email me if you would like to know more. But please, consider that Christ is a VERY real spiritual force, the only force that is capable of protecting you from the darkest of darkness, from the intensity of evil and the fear it propagates.

Please take these words to heart. Christ does indeed offer salvation from the darkness, and what have you got to lose by asking him to occupy and fortify your heart? I hope you will choose the most powerful assistance that is on offer, in the challenging times which are to come.

God bless you,


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We are all children, longing to find our way back to
the world of innocence, joy and freedom we once knew”

“It is simple to be 100% free from fear, but we need God’s help.”

About Alexander Bell

Lover of God, man of Christ, father-of-four, writer, composer of healing music & expert on nutritional healing. •
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1 Response to You urgently need the brightest light

  1. Denise Wrenn says:

    Hello Alex

    That is an extremely well written piece that comes from the heart

    Sent from my iPad

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